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Why Hire a Designer

"Interior design is making the best possible use of the available space."

why hire an interior designer?

Are you asking yourself, "why do I need to pay for a designer when I can pick out colors?"  More than likely you are quite able too.  But, that isn't all that's in a designer's job description.  We are trained to see the possibilities of a space, how a space functions and to handle all the inner workings of your project with  precision and expertise.


There are five main reasons to hire a designer for your next project.

  1. Value:  The cost for our design services are offset by saving you both time and money.  We allocate and track cost to keep your project within your set budget.   We work to keep projects on a schedule and having a plan in place ensures work flow and that the quality of work is on par with expectations and within the scope of work.

  2. Experience:  We bring 19 years of experience and knowledge of the process required to take a project from idea to planning, from plan to competition.  There are always obstacles, it is how they are handled that can determine the outcome of your project.  For someone that has never dealt with these issues, they can be stressful and overwhelming.  Having dealt with many issues, problem solving has become second nature and we can efficiently and effectively handle anything that may arise.

  3. Defining your Style:  Today you have access to so much information and pictures - so many pictures,  You can either become overwhelmed with all the options or, after seeing so much, not know what your style even is.  By asking you the right questions, we can help you hone in on your style and prevent you from ending up with a collection of different things that you "love" but they don't co-exist together.

  4. Exclusivity:  We have access to qualified contractors, trades people and suppliers whom we have built relationships with and they make themselves available to our projects.  We can source items that you would have to spend hours searching for, or simply not have access to. Often there are discounts that we can pass along to you and you get something your neighbour won't find.

  5. Professional Results:  What will really set your project apart by hiring a designer are seen in the finishing touches.  We are trained with a keen eye with placement, function and balance in mind.  There are alot of moving parts to a design that come together in the end.  Every step of the way, we keep the big picture in mind, ensuring the execution of your design is done according to plan.  When the furniture is in place, the artwork and curtains are hung, and the kitchen cabinets align with the flow of the spaces around it, you can sit back and be in love your home. 

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